One is Company

We live in a culture of FOMO. Frequently cramming schedules to overflowing, whether said appointments truly nourish and fulfill us or not, because busyness feels important.  Being busy can lend one a sense of feeling worthy.

On a slightly separate though similar thought, rarely is one ever truly alone.  Our lives are those in which everywhere and anywhere we go, we are continually surrounded by others.  At home, with our family, roommates, friends, or romantic partner. On the bus or train, crowded by people.  At work, a continued clustering of others, ever around us.  Potentially spending a significant portion of our day on the phone, or communicating and navigating interactions with others in all manner of other modes (whether email, social media, texting, etc).  The majority of our time is spent in communication with and around other people.

Anywhere we might go, even if deciding to enjoy such on our own (without bringing along a companion), is still overflowing with others. Whether the library, a restaurant or café, out on a walk, to the park or gym, there will be a plethora of other people abound.


A Over Crowded Office.

For a significant number of people throughout our culture, aloneness is associated with being a “loser.” As though if one chooses their own company, it must be because there is simply no alternative. That this could never possibly be a preferable choice if one had a truly fulfilled and awesome life.  As if ever being surrounded by others is the only ideal, normal, and best way of being.  Many people feel depressed at such a thought (as spending time with oneself), distressed, or even afraid to be alone with themselves. As though this indicates a deficit or lacking in us somehow.

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Hot Health Reads for the New Year!

In tune with the healthier, “new” you for 2019, here are some of the hottest health reads on which you can count on with leading you towards your healthiest, most glowing, feel awesome self!


hungry for change

There has been significant discussion of shifting knowledge and new research coming to light about what are truly healthful foods for us to be consuming, versus what are more harmful items to be eating.  We hear it all, especially certain contradictory messages, from meat as being terrible for our hearts, to then our being encouraged to consume such in abundance.  What might be the truth?  How can we decipher what is good for us or not?  This can be a tough thing to parse out, as the topic of nutrition is such a wide ranging and ever expanding one, with new research coming to light almost weekly on such.  For assistance with understanding nutrition, this can be a great introductory read: Hungry for Change: Ditch the Diets, Conquer the Cravings, and Eat your way to Lifelong Health” by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.

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How Sitting all day Destroys Your Health

With the ever increasing rise of digital technology, as well as administrative and desk jobs having become a primary job type, sitting has become the most common posture in the workplace and the one we tend to adapt for most of our day (studies show most desk workers spend an average of 10 hours per day sitting).

What is so bad about this for our health?

It turns out, a lot.

The human body and skeleton isn’t designed to be sitting, immobile, inactive, and hunched over all day.  Its actually designed to stand, move, run, walk, bend, sprint, stretch, essentially to be in action the majority of the time.

The way we have developed in terms of daily use of our bodies (or, not) is in stark contrast to both our optimal health and the ways our bodies are meant to function and move.

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Sweet. Raw. Free. Exciting Announcement!

Dear Sweet. Raw. Free. Readers, Fellow Foodies, Bakers and Chefs,

I am excited to share with you an expanding of the content on which I will focus here on Sweet. Raw. Free.

Alongside the usual posting of recipes (all of which will continue to fall under one, if not more, of the following: gluten/grain free, sugar free, lactose free, or raw), I will begin posting articles in relation to other realms of health (such as, nutrition, sleep, physical activity, emotional and social health, relational health, and more).

Recipes will be interspersed with articles of this nature, adding to the overall fullness of my offering a blog in favor of the encouragement toward leading your healthiest (and happiest) life.

In the meantime I would love to offer, in the mood of healthier eating and New Years resolutions, a round-up of my favorite recipes for your perusing and sampling pleasure:

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Healthier Chocolate Mousse

Who doesnt love the whipped, light-as-air, though decadent and rich taste of chocolate mousse?  Non-chocolate lovers aside, this tends to be a universal crowd pleaser.  To me, chocolate mousse is romantic nights in.  Its sexy and sensual.  Wintery nights holed up by the fire.  An extravagant ending to your meal, simple in appearance, though one that wows in taste.  Behold, my version of chocolate mousse, though with no added refined sugar.

Super easy to make, tasting indulgent and delicious, though with something like half the usual amount of sugar in traditional chocolate mousse recipes.  A sweet treat worth getting psyched about, to be sure.

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Easy and Healthier Chocolate Cheesecake

Happy New Year with this succulent sweet!  Chocolate cheesecake continues to rein over all the desserts I have sampled, making it a stedfast favorite.  I dont eat it often, for the caloric and sugar bomb it is, but man oh man, is this a tasty treat and one that when I do indulge, I revel over.

This particular version, while not sugar free, is considerably lower in sugar than usual cheesecake versions.  Though there is already sugar in the Oreos and bittersweet chocolate, there is no further added sugar in the cake (which most recipes do).  Though the crust contains wheat, you can easily make it without.

If you would like an equally enticing though gluten/grain free dessert, eliminate the crust.  I promise, it will be just as scrumptious without.

Enjoy this decadent, sinfully sweet dessert, without so much guilt.

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